Thursday, February 26, 2009


A friend of mine asked if I'd ever attempted to draw the X-man character Nightcrawler...I hadn't and so I started sketching away.  This was the pose I liked most and so like the Superman study, I decided to color it just to see how it would play out.


Roberto Comparan said...

The Nightcrawler has always been one of those comic book superheroes that people always remember, but actually know very little about.

In fact, when I was kid, it took me awhile to realize that he was a hero and not a villain. That misunderstanding alone, made me want to learn all the more.

I learned that he can teleport. That he has amazing agility. And most important of all, that he has faith!

Your character study captures all the mystique that is the Nightcrawler. Great job, bro!

BrandoAbba said...

NIce I really like the contrast on this one!

jEssIca's aRt said...

love the nightcrawler!awesome stuff you have up and I like the artist list, that's cool...and hey if you ever want to check out my blog it's well it was nice chatting with you the other day, see you sunday.

josh said...

dude, sickwickedgnarly!