I promised an aunt of mine I'd do something for her that had dolphins. It took me awhile, but after giving myself a deadline, I came up with this little dilly. I dropped into photoshop and tinkered around with the coloration.
My Bible study leader asked me to come up with something based on Romans 12:1..."present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual worship." This here is a digital color study.
A kid from work asked if I could draw him something for his sketchbook. The guy is pretty big on on volcom and skating, so I dialed up this little number for him.
Wedding gifts are always interesting....should we go with a mug? a photo? gift cards? kitchen appliance? or how about a comic book?! A friend of mine asked me to morph his groomsmen into comic 'heroes'. These were the concepts I came up with....due to time I couldn't color them, but I will post 'em when I do.
We had a "healthy kids" day over at the Y. I was asked to come up with a few pictures for the kids to color. I figured athletic fruit would do the trick. Gracelene Gracia did the lettering.
A friend of mine asked if I'd ever attempted to draw the X-man character Nightcrawler...I hadn't and so I started sketching away. This was the pose I liked most and so like the Superman study, I decided to color it just to see how it would play out.
so...I came across a fan art contest that intrigued me. It's premise was to create a battle scene involving the Hulk vs Wolverine and/or Thor. I didn't submit it, but it was still fun to do.